How much weight can slatwall hold?
Slatwall panels will hold 100lbs per foot.
What are the Transit Times for shipping?
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How long does the countertop need to be in order to need a countertop bracket?
This really depends on the scenario but it is usually around 48" when the countertop needs extra support.
How to install handiwall on cement wall
The easiest way to install HandiWALL® is from the floor up. Install the first piece of HandiWALL. Pre-drill the concretewith 5/32 drill bit. Space Tapcons® about 16 inches apart.
What type of measurement is used in your design tool?
The measurements that we use in our design tool are in inches.
How thick is the countertop?
The Maple butcherblock is 1-1/4 inch thick. The black impact coating is 1-1/8 inch thick. The laminate countertops are 1-1/4 inch thick.
What is melamine?
The material is made using sustainably grown wood chips combined with resin to create a very stable board that receives a smooth, moisture resistant, and cleanable surface. (Read More)
In what increments do the drawer slides come in?
The slides come in increments of 2".